Wednesday 4 November 2015

Day 42: Compassion

Musings at the end of Day 4:  Compassion

What a great first week back to school. You could feel the excitement from teachers and students about the new learning that was going to happen this year. I spent some time in different classrooms and in different conversations talking about the interesting opportunities and challenges that teachers were creating and participating in. 

But connected to that excitement was some nervousness and anxiety. Educators who are also parents were worried about their children  - starting JK, starting high school, going away to university, changing schools, make friends, getting to know new teachers and peers. All educators were thinking about their new students, wondering what they could do to ease anxiety and support the mental well-being of their students. SERTs were checking on classes making sure that teachers and students were feeling supported. Principals and Vice-Principals were using different strategies to keep everyone calm.

When people are feeling anxious, or over-whelmed, this often comes out in their behaviour. The way we speak and act is affected by our ability to maintain a sense of calmness and control. Behaviour is communication. So as the school year progress, it will be important to maintain a sense of compassion for the educators, students and families with whom you interact. The more we can support well-being and mental health, the better we can support learning and growth. 

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